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Poetry and writings to inspire

As you read through the content here, may you find the link to your own inspiration as we all charge ahead into unknown waters in this Pandemic World.

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Can We Change Reality?

In this piece, I will describe my thoughts on what reality could be, in different landscapes, dimensions or points of view, using a...

What is a Miracle?

What is a miracle? In today’s language, it basically means an event that could not possibly have happened, given the statistics...

Body Mind and Soul

Sermon 7-24-24 Body Mind and Soul   The following sermon was given to women in a remote village, Muguluka, in Uganda. Kasone Joan has...

How to Create a Brand New World

June 13 2024 I spoke with a wise old friend this morning. We were discussing the rapid changes taking place in Uganda, where we both...

From Child Labor to Light and Love

I just got off from being on Zoom from the US to women in Uganda. Each Saturday morning we get together, at their request, to bring a...

It Feels As If

It Feels As If… 5/20/24 Streaks of light Settle over the blue of the sky, the blue of the water. Morning light covers all As if bringing...

Thou Shalt Not Kill (Unless Justified)

Right? Killing is wrong, right? Not only is it said in the Bible, but also in so many other religions and laws. In the USA, if you kill...

God is Present, But How can I Know?

The audience is people who either believe there is a God, or are on the fence. The scene is a stage, a speaker, and a screen behind her....

Structures are A-Crumbling

Structures are a-crumbling The house next door, A run-down old place Several decades a home for a family Yesterday stood empty Yesterday...

Traveling to Gratitude and Joy

Traveling to Gratitude and Joy In a Place Least Expected 2/13/2024 Just a few years ago, during an intense part of my life, I was...

Choosing Gratitude Over Sadness

Gratefulness-Challenge Day 1 of 21 by (@) KnowledgeCollective This challenge is VERY important to me at this time. It is a necessity that...

How May I Serve You?

Matthew 23:1-12 23 Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, 2 “The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses’s seat; 3 therefore,...

Thou Shall

Let’s review the commandments together. I want you to mentally keep track. Which of the 10 commandments have you broken in the last 2...

Our Red Sea, the Destroyer of our Enslavers

Sermon 9-16-2023 Delivered to the women in Muguluka, a village in Uganda Exodus 14:19-31 19 The angel of God who was going before the...

I Am Who I Am Exodus 3: 1-15 3 1-2 Moses was shepherding the flock of Jethro, his father-in-law, the...

How Can We End Suffering

The following is a sermon I gave to women in Uganda. Although it was tailored to them, I’m sure that many people all over the world can...

Judge Me Not

Heaven on earth is a place and time in which we suspend judgement. Yes, if we take a moment to not judge anyone anywhere, we can visit...

Sermonette – Peace on Earth 7-24-23

Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. This week I am not reading the news. I have not listened to or watched the news in...

You are Good Seed!

Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 13:24 He put before them another parable: "The kingdom of heaven may be compared to someone who sowed good seed...

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