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Poetry and writings to inspire

As you read through the content here, may you find the link to your own inspiration as we all charge ahead into unknown waters in this Pandemic World.

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Lessons from Yellow Jackets

Yes, it hurt when they stung me, but I was intent on taking the large mullein plant out of the garden to compost it. I had not realized...

Seasons of Love

It has been a year! I started preaching for you at the end of last summer, just after Labor Day. I finish this year at the beginning of...

Applying The Gospel

The inserted file is a PDF of a slide show. The pictures are from a humanitarian trip to Uganda, taken with me and 17 others. While...

Thy Kingdom Come

The last line of the scripture today was, O you, his people—bless God! Bless God indeed! This is the day the Lord God made, may we...

Swimming in God’s Love

Let’s begin today with another prayer. Dear Mother Father God, Jesus says that you love us, Jesus says that he loves us, Jesus says that...

Mob Psychology: Who are You?

Acts 7:51-60 The Message 51-53 “And you continue, so bullheaded! Calluses on your hearts, flaps on your ears! Deliberately ignoring the...

At Dawn of the New World

Let’s imagine in our minds what is happening the day that was described by the scripture, from the book of Acts, written by Luke....

Hit Me With Your Best Shot

This week, and in the past few weeks, we cry. It appears that the United States is back in the Wild, Wild West, where danger and the fear...

The Future is Now!

A woman was walking down the road, past a farm, when she noticed up ahead a farmer holding his hog up in the air, up to an apple tree...

History, Metaphor and Miracles

Every Easter my husband tells me the same story about Easter. He says it is the time of year when Angels roll back the stone from the...

Whose Will Be Done???

Listen to this story of a farmer and his horse, from the Taoist tradition, at least 2,000 years old. This story helps us understand the...

Let it Go

Close your eyes gently or cast your eyes down. Take a deep breath in, and hold it a second, now exhale into an imaginary balloon, sending...

I’ve Got the Power!

In the movie, Bruce Almighty, God gives all Divine Power over to Bruce, a common man played by Jim Carrey, who thought he could do a...

The Devil Made Me Do It!

Do you remember Flip Wilson? He was a black comedian who had a show in the late 60’s and early 70’s. In one skit, he dressed as a woman,...

In The Beginning

Yes, in the Beginning The only thing that existed Was Potential. (That is God’s favorite name for themselves) It may look like void,...

El Camino

Sermon by Rev. Kathy Johnson, 2-26-23 The Bible chronicles the birth and infancy of Jesus, then picks up for a few sentences when he was...

Our 3 Burdens

This is the script from the Ash Wednesday Service, taken from Touch Holiness by Ruth C. Duck and Maren C. Tirabassi Community...

The Many Faces of Jesus

Historical Jesus There are many faces that Jesus showed the world and continues to show the world today. We begin by looking at the...

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Green Leaf

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