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Poetry and writings to inspire

As you read through the content here, may you find the link to your own inspiration as we all charge ahead into unknown waters in this Pandemic World.

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Prayers for the Poor and Needy

Sermon September 18, 2022 Luke 16:1-13 The Message The Story of the Crooked Manager 16 1-2 Jesus said to his disciples, “There was once a...

Finding Balance

Sermon 9-11-2022 Luke 15:1-10 The Parable of the Lost Sheep 15 Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear...

So, Who is God anyway?

Sermon delivered at the Presbyterian New England Congregational Church, April 24, 2022 Revelations 1: 4-8 4 John to the seven churches...

I'm Sorry

8/26/20 I’m sorry Please forgive me. I am human I have the free will To do as I desire Yet that free will Is my destruction. I kept my...

So, Who is God, Anyway?

The following is my first public sermon, written and delivered about 2 years after being ordained as an Interfaith-Interspiritual...

Do you want personal choice?

Watch the video of this blog here: The country, heck the world, is facing the consequences and perspective...

Coming Back to Center

I fell off the tightrope That rope that is my lifeline Whenever there is crisis Within myself Or in the world. I fell, hard. Deep into...

Free Will 2

We have the free will To choose. So let me choose compassion. Let me choose to listen. Let me choose peace – The peace of stillness The...

Free Will

We have been given a gift A gift of free will That we wear like a beautiful scarf That we wear a little more often Than is socially...

Day After Day

3/23/21 Kathy Johnson Day after day we choose. We choose our own life And we choose as a community. What do you choose today? Today I...

The Yin and the Yang

Look at the Yin Yang. Can you see the United States in it? So divided, Yet see the dark within the light The light within the darkness....

Finding God

I couldn’t feel it I couldn’t see it But it was there And my meditation buddy saw it. I have been searching for it for days Wondering why...

Come In There’s Plenty of Room

I am the wick In the center Of the liquid candle Encased in glass. My flame sits just above the crown chakra, My soul, My light, Enough...

In Your Lap

Why, Dear Divine One, Must I go through a hurricane To finally unwind And find myself Sitting in your lap?

I’m Sorry

8/26/20 I’m sorry Please forgive me. I am human I have the free will To do as I desire Yet that free will Is my destruction. I kept my...

The Tree of Death

What is the difference between The Tree of Life And the Tree of Death? Certainly, the color, And the structure. The artist’s renderings...


Rejoice! Today. Just today. I’m alive today. Tomorrow I may Or may not be living. However, I KNOW That tomorrow Will not be the same....

The Solution

The solution is simple. It is only one thing we need To fix everything. With this, you, Yes, you, Can heal the world. Heal the climate....

A Summer Morning

Today, just be. For as long as you can. Be the lake, Be the breeze, Be the sunshine. The trees that sway, The ripples that flow, The...

A Poem, A Prayer, A Psalm

I asked Spirit for a message… When the world gets loud, Needing your full undivided attention, Screaming for every cell of your body To...

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Green Leaf

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