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  • Writer's pictureKathy Johnson

Choosing Gratitude Over Sadness

Gratefulness-Challenge Day 1 of 21 by (@) 



This challenge is VERY important to me at this time. It is a necessity that I find deep gratitude in my life.


Thanksgiving is tomorrow in the United States. My entire extended family is getting together in the house I grew up in, in the house my mother died in last month, in the house that we will sell in the coming year, and the house that soon I will never walk into again. So my first gratitude is how grateful I am for the house, the farm. For the place where my foundation was laid. Thank you Tamarack Ridge Farm!


Next up is my health. I guess I could complain about it, since I am sitting alone in my bedroom, isolated with COVID, but instead, I will look at it in a positive way. I have a very healthy immune system, and a positive outlook. I will get through this with flying colors. Two days ago I had such fatigue that I could hardly move, yesterday I had a fever and all that comes with it, but today I only have a stuffy nose. So I am on the mend! And I get to leave my room Friday – hurray!!! Notice that I can’t leave my room until Friday? Right, I miss Thanksgiving. At the house I grew up in. Hence, my gratitude blog.


I am very grateful for my husband and his family. He and I have been married for 42 years, and it has been a wonderful ride! His dad died last month as well, at 93, after 3 years of 24 by 7 care, half of which was given by my husband. I am so grateful that he is so kind and caring that he gave that much time to his dad. And now he is giving time to me, cooking for me and taking care of the dog and cats.


The funeral was this past Saturday, and it was amazing! I think everyone there learned a little more about my father-in-law, and I especially appreciated his service to his country, when my husband received the flag at the military burial. Understand this – I am a pacifist, and it had never been grateful for his service. However, the ceremony was so moving, and the gratitude from the military on behalf of the president was so sincere. So, even though I do not agree with war, he did what was expected, received a purple heart for being wounded, and lived a long successful life. I am grateful (even if I received COVID from the funeral).


I am in our bedroom, writing this to anyone who cares to read it, and my world for these 5 days is restricted to this room and the adjoining bathroom. First, I am grateful that this is the first time getting COVID, and that I have not had to isolate before. Second, I am grateful that we have this little suite that can be closed off. Third, I’m grateful that our little home has two bathrooms, so my husband has his own bedroom and bathroom, and can be comfortable during this time. I certainly am!


I could go on and on. I will stop here and share more tomorrow. I know that I could be lying in bed, feeling sorry for myself, and yet, in this season of Thanksgiving, I prefer to give thanks!

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