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  • Writer's pictureKathy Johnson

Do you want personal choice?

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The country, heck the world, is facing the consequences and perspective of personal choice. Personal choice on the most spiritual topic – life itself. We humans have been able to choose life and death in many instances.



Capital punishment.


It is a deeply spiritual time, in which we must no longer look to government to solve our questions. It time to look inside. Look at love itself. But first…

We have been looking elsewhere for answers to the world’s problems. We look to the media for information, then doubt what we see and hear. We look to government and are disappointed when it doesn’t agree with us. We look to our parents, who don’t know as much as we do now. We look to other family members and wonder how they arrived at different conclusions than us. We look to church and hear messages of peace and love but can’t find them reflected outside those doors.

Perhaps it is time to look inside.

The first place we can look at is our value of personal choice.

Since I was very young, I wanted to have the choice of how to dress, what to eat and how to spend my time. Most of my life I made decisions, good or bad, about these same things. I felt that I had free will. Except when I looked outside myself and began to blame others for my circumstances. Whether it was my job or my home life, I wanted better and I wanted more. Just like you. Just like everyone. We all want to control our lives.

Today we blame the government for much of our problems. It is the government’s problem that I don’t have the money I need or the job I require. The government either mandates that I get a vaccination, or that I wear a mask or that I cannot get an abortion. Do you feel this way? That the government has taken away personal choice? That the government controls the economy, business decisions and personal taxes?

Do you blame the media, no matter where your opinions fall? That the media is poisoning the other side? That the media lies and is to blame for the widening gulf between people?

Perhaps you blame the rich, the powerful, the capitalist society, the corporations?

No matter where you fall on the political spectrum, I see this one thing very clearly:

You want to have personal choice. And you feel that someone or something is taking it away from you. And you are not alone, because there are very few in the world who have such options. And finally, this lack of personal freedom is about life and death. The life and death of a pregnant woman and her unborn child. The life and death of the people we come in contact with, who might have a silent contagious disease. The life and death of people who simply want to make enough money to have a roof over their heads and put food on the table for their families.


Always the question is, what do we do about it?

We can respect other people for wanting personal freedom to choose to live their lives, using the best information they have at the time. Do not expect them to change their mind. Do not force them to make choices just because you believe with all your heart that you know better.

A time will come when the lion lies down with the lamb. A time is coming when people from opposing sides of this game we call humanity will all be on the same side – that of survival. There will be a time. We will all call each other family.

Do you want to continue picking sides? Or, you are welcome to join my team. The team of personal choice, of compassion, of survival of humanity.

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