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  • Writer's pictureKathy Johnson

Easter Virus


Yesterday was Easter.

I turned off the church service.

It was running virtually,

as is anything today that brings people together.

It seemed so wrong, so hypocritical, so damaging.

I could not repeat the Christian words in the opening prayer.

Then, the most sung Easter hymn came on,

And I could not sing:

“Jesus Christ has risen today. Alleluia”

I am not so sure about how I feel about the Easter story,

I do know that it has been used for a couple thousand years

To exclude some from “Heaven”.

And I know I do not feel like rejoicing

In any way, shape or form.

Lent I get. We sure did feel the waiting of Lent this year.

Isolated, lonely, introspective.

I felt Hope, the Hope that Easter promises of.

Good Friday was sad,

as I was reminded of all the people dying

because of the coronavirus.

The worst was Saturday, or so I thought.

Saturday was limbo.

I thought I would be “saved”

or at least happier and more hopeful on Easter.

But then, people died. Tornadoes devastated lives.

And the hypocrisy.

Churches in parts of the country opened their doors for crowds.

Some practiced distancing and wiped down pews.

But not all.

Because Jesus would save them.

Because they are believers.

And because Jesus cares about only them.

This always gets me going,

Going down the rabbit hole,

To a place of anger to religion

Which has killed many people

In the name of God

Going back many centuries.

What kind of God would do that?

Not an all loving God.

Not my God.

So today I will rename my god.

She is the Divine One,

Representing the divine that is in all of us.

That exists in me, my family, my ancestors.

That exists in you and yours.

That exists in our “enemies”.

Do you still have any enemies?

Well, it is time to forgive them.

Only you are responsible for the hate in your heart.

I digress.

Because I love you,

Even you who side with your religion,

Even you who side with your politicians,

Even you who prefer your misogyny,

Your neighborhood,

Your race,

Your economic status,

Even you who want to be separate or more powerful,

Yes you.

I see the Divine Oneness in you,

And even though you may not love me back,

I forgive you.

It is all that I can do,

To keep loving.

I let go of the anger.

I embrace the love.

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