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God is Present, But How can I Know?

Writer's picture: Kathy JohnsonKathy Johnson

The audience is people who either believe there is a God, or are on the fence. The scene is a stage, a speaker, and a screen behind her. This speaker, this narrator, is a middle aged woman, who is starting to grey, who is neither gorgeous nor ugly, who is neither short nor tall, she is unassuming in the physical sense. However, her energy is beautiful. When she walks out on stage, she commands a presence. Her light emanates, and there is no other description, except that you know that she has the Spirit of God within, and you get tingles – those chills down your spine, or in your scalp. You know that God has entered the stage. The tingles are the sign.


You hike up a mountain. It’s a difficult climb, and you were surprised by how it winded you, but you persevered. Once at the top, you looked out on the valley below, on the lake reflecting the sky and the islands within, the green trees of various shades and shapes, and hawks flying between the lake below and above your head, and a feeling of awe swells in your chest. The Creator God has shown you all that she has born, a gift for you this day, and the emotion you feel can only be described as gratitude.


It has been an impossible day. The people in your life have demanded too much, you don’t feel like you have enough energy to do the next chore. Yet, people are dependent upon you. Your energy is sapped, you want to give up and restart tomorrow. Instead, you gather enough energy to walk outside, take a short walk around the building or the neighborhood, and as you look up, there is sunshine starting to peak through the clouds, creating rays of light, streaming down to earth. These rays of hope create a swelling of emotion, and tears stream from your eyes. God is indeed here, supporting you, reminding you that the spirit world exists all around you.


You are driving along, and suddenly, the car in front of you slams on the brakes, you hear a screeching, and automatically you yell, “God! Please help! Save me!” And before you know it, your car is smashed, you are in it, mostly unharmed, but safe, on the side of the road. You know in your heart that you were protected, and that your prayers have been answered.


You pray daily for whomever tugs at your heart at the moment. Recently a friend or relative has been diagnosed with a horrible aggressive cancer. So now, you pray daily for that person. They struggle, but you pray for healing, and they pray for themselves too. It does not always happen, but this time, the prayers are answered. The doctors declare that a miracle has happened, the medicine worked, they will live after this long time of suffering. You know that God has worked through the doctors, through the medicine and through the faith that God can indeed heal.


It’s Spring, and today you saw that the arugula you planted just a few days ago has sprouted. You take a drive in the country, and see lambs, kids and foals. The trees are sprouting their new leaves for the year. The world has awakened, as though the very land you live on has awakened from a dream, only to find that Reality is a gift from God, that Reality is eternal, and that your choice is whether to stay in the dream that you control your life, or that Life is actually the moments when you get the tingles, you feel gratitude, rays of hope sustain you, you feel protected, you know of God’s healing, and you feel the awakening of Spring.


Yes, Spring has Sprung! And now you know God.

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