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  • Writer's pictureKathy Johnson

I’m Sorry


I’m sorry

Please forgive me.

I am human

I have the free will

To do as I desire

Yet that free will

Is my destruction.

I kept my money and my possessions

And accumulated

Wanting more and more

Until I could no longer

Give a single dime

To a beggar on the street

That didn’t have two dimes

To rub together

Much less soup or bread

Or sustenance for life.

I gave up the ability

To freely give life

So that I could

Create this prison

And I did this of my own free will.

The clouds gather and the air warms.

Laura is coming.

I live a normal life

Throwing away what is no longer needed

Driving to destinations I desire to visit

Flushing the toilet each time I use it.

I live this normal life

Without regard to the impact on the earth

And the possibility of creating

A climate that is not conducive

To traveling where I want

Or when I want

Or for human life as we know it.

She begins to sway and moan

As she flies like an eagle

Over the warm gulf below.

I hate,

I am afraid

So I carry a gun

And act like God

A vengeful angry God

Who destroys everything

That is hated or feared!

I shoot to kill,

I hope to kill the swirling of

Black emotion

In my heart.

She gathers strength

As soon as the governor

Declares the shelter in place order.

She listens to no man.

I am sick.

I can’t breathe.

I am dying.

I shared my fears and sickness

With my loved ones

Ignorant and selfish

In wider and wider circles

Touching multitudes around the entire earth.


She makes landfall.

Humans must now flee for their lives!

I see the fire approaching

It comes with such speed and force

And swirling of a tornado

Swallowing all my possessions,

My house, my money,

It is past time to go,

Help me, help me, help me…

She is yet another hurricane

In line with many more

Each gathering greater and greater strength

Coming more and more frequently

Until we humans


To ask humanity and earth and All There Is

For forgiveness.

Start by moving directly in the middle

Of the hurricane,

Into the eye,

And surrender.

Ask for forgiveness.

No more controlling

What you can’t control.

Thank you.

I love you.

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