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  • Writer's pictureKathy Johnson



It all about language. Sometimes you hear loud and clear what you think is the message the blogger or news journalist was trying to say, and sometimes you have the complete opposite reaction as the person you are sitting next to. Some language pulls us in, and some language pushes us away. Some language brings us to new heights while other language triggers us and drags us into a gutter. Some language is used deliberately to get you excited or scared or angry. It is a tool of war.

The language of what we choose to believe is important in all of our personal affairs. Do you believe that all Democrats are ____________ or all Republicans are _______________? You probably believe that because someone once told you that. It probably is not an original thought. Do you believe that certain religions have it all right or all wrong? Do you believe that our government – local, state or federal – is doing a good job? Whose language did you read in order to make that conclusion? And did the writer use fact-based language, like “He said…” or opinion based like language like “He raged…”

Today, as I write this, I choose to say what I say carefully. You see, I know that certain language will turn me away so that I might not finish reading. For me, that is the colorful and salty language of sailors from days gone by. I can handle an F-bomb once in while, but you cannot keep my attention with lots of that. Or sarcastic angry religion-politics-otherism speak. Can’t do it.

What language turns you off?

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