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  • Writer's pictureKathy Johnson

Loving COVID-19

We are taught to love our enemy.

Today that enemy is called COVID-19.

Yet how can you love something that wants to kill you?

COVID does not want to kill you,

It merely wants to teach you.

Are you willing to learn?

The first lesson is to explore where you live.

Are you living in the bottom of the boat

on the ocean

rocking and rolling

with the waves

that make you sick?

Your focus is too narrow,

Only seeing the sides of the boat

And the green of the vomit.

Instead, move up to the deck.

Look out onto the horizon,

And the seasickness recedes.

Instead of focusing on the here and now

As we are constantly taught,

Take a moment to look far and wide.

You are afraid.

If you look too far, all you see is doom and gloom.

Take the higher perspective, dear.

Here, let me guide you.

Talk about your experience with death, Kathy,

The greatest fear that humans carry.

Well, it happened about 15 years ago.

Because of uterus issues, I was bleeding

And wouldn’t stop.

I went to the emergency room,

White as a ghost – but not yet a ghost –

But occasionally had the feeling of the lifeforce leaving me.

The nurse tried and failed to get a blood pressure reading,

So they gave me an IV – water – since the blood was still warming.

As soon as they could, they operated and saved my life.

When I woke, the feeling was that death does not hurt;

It is the difference between waking up or not.

And I was no longer afraid of death.

What a gift! I no longer had such fear of failure,

Fear of what others would think of me.

I had new joy of life.

I highly recommend almost dying

To everyone

So that everyone can really live.

Really live.

COVID-19 is here so that everyone can take a closer look at death.

It might be you,

Might be a loved one,

A neighbor,

A friend.

No one on this planet is immune

From the kiss of the virus.

Will you kiss it back?

In this, COVID brings together

All of humanity

For a moment.

The experience of isolation,

Of fear,

Of love for others,

Is universal.

This is a turning point of the human race.

It is not a battle,

It is surrender.

Giving in to gratitude for the enemy,


And giving it love – not fear –

For the lessons

Is what will save you

From the suffering.

Will you stay in the hull

And be sick,

Or go topside

And breathe the fresh air

And feel the sunshine on your heart

The gentle ocean breeze grazing your skin

And live?

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