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  • Writer's pictureKathy Johnson

Miraculously Created

I am an individual

With my own personality

Created from unique experiences

And the scars on my body

Resulting from painful experiences

Are different than yours.

My wrinkles are lovingly crafted

To complement each gray hair

That houses an agonizing memory

That only I keep.

I swim in the air

And run on the soil

Created by billions of years

Of loving crafting by the Universe

That includes your ancestors

All the way back to the first one

Who breathed the same air

And sat on the same soil

As I do now.

My skin, with its freckles

Is painted by the sunshine,

That warm energy from almost 100 million miles away

Yet warm enough to toast my face;

My skin, my skin,

Is made up of cells,

Made up of water and such,

Water, water molecules,

Made up of hydrogen and oxygen atoms

Made up of energy particles

The same as the sun.

I am the same as the sun!

At the macro level,

My history is unique

Yet shared with all of creation!

At the micro level

I am exactly the same as each particle

That ever existed!

Both at the same time,

Unique and identical.

Only a Creator

With a paintbrush of miracles

Could love me so much.

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