Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.
This week I am not reading the news. I have not listened to or watched the news in a couple years, as I find that it makes me very uneasy. I found that I could read the headlines of death and destruction without getting triggered – without going into despair, so that is what I have done.
But this week, I am seeking total peace within me. And therefore extending it to help create peace on earth. The way? By not engaging with the news at all. At all!! But, you say, you are just hiding under a rock! How can we make positive change in the world if you don’t participate???
Here is how.
I am nothing but energy. Yes, nothing. My body is made up of molecules, which are nothing but particles of energy and space. Yes, just energy. And all energy has frequency of vibration. We can vibrate at a high frequency or a low frequency or even in between
. I choose to vibrate at a high frequency, a frequency of love, compassion, happiness, and joy.
Have you ever entered a room and noticed how one person dominates the room with their own strong energy? If it is high, you feel welcome and interested in what is going on. However, sometimes you enter, and you can feel the bad vibes, the darkness, and you feel like leaving, or at least staying away from that person. This is the experience of energy vibration.
I choose to not only be of high vibration (by staying away from low vibration), but also to transmit it to everyone I come in contact with. I choose to add to peace on earth by first beginning with me. Then I add to peace on earth by sharing the high vibration of The Love of The Universe to all I meet. By bringing up their vibration, they then can raise the vibration of all they meet.
You know how a smile can be contagious? A smile carries a very high vibration. So, please join me! Smile, raise your vibration! Let there be peace on earth!