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  • Writer's pictureKathy Johnson

Starfish Story

We are the starfish.

We think we are on the shore, hundreds, thousands, millions, billions of us.

We think that we are raising one arm and shouting, “Save me! Save me”

Shouting to the person on the beach choosing which one to throw back into the deep ocean.

We think that by being thrown back in

We will get a chance to live.

We think that by not catching the coronavirus

That we will survive.

But the beach is where it is at.

The struggle to breathe,

To stay wet,

To live long enough is real,

As real as it gets.

It is here that we have the chance to wait for the next high tide.

It is only on the beach

That we have the time and space to reflect.

To accept.

To surrender.

The high tide is coming.

The person you think that will save you and throw you back

Is you.

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