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  • Writer's pictureKathy Johnson

Surrender to Suffering

The words I hear this morning

All around me

Are suffering

And depression

And anger

And anguish.

I look at the words

That I keep in front of me

So that I can try to remember

Each and every day

But daily I forget

And then I fall

Into depression or suffering

To one degree

Or another.

The words are:

“Thy will be done

For the highest good”.

Stay here, right now.

In this moment,

Where all is good.

No worry about what was yesterday or last night.

No worry about what might be –

For it could be devastating,

But it COULD be amazing.

And this moment is perfect.

Stay in that perfection,

Breathe into that perfection.

Surrender to all that is,

As it is in this one perfect moment.

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