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  • Writer's pictureKathy Johnson

Swimming in God’s Love

Let’s begin today with another prayer. Dear Mother Father God, Jesus says that you love us, Jesus says that he loves us, Jesus says that the Holy Spirit is with us. Sometimes we cannot feel that presence, and sometimes we cannot feel that love, so please remind us, here in this time and in this sacred place, to feel you in all your Glory. Amen.

Today is Mother’s Day. We will celebrate you who identify as men at a later date. I have not forgotten you.

Today, people who are mothers might get pampered, might get presents or flowers, and might get dinner made for them. They might get a day or a few hours off from the business and work that comes along with being a mother, while getting to feel the feelings of being a mother.

However, God does not set aside one day for those individuals, it is a human-made thing. And not all people who identify as women have become mothers, nor will they become mothers. If we set aside a day only for those who have children in their family, what about the rest of women who don’t, and won’t? This message is for all who have at least one X chromosome. Oh, wait, that’s everyone!

There is something in our culture that is called feminine energy. According to, “The sacred feminine energy is nurturing, soft, grounded with strong boundaries, and trusting of her intuition”. This delineation is as though men cannot be nurturing, men would not be grounded in their feelings or have strong boundaries, and men would not trust their instincts. Men, how does that make you feel?

So, I wish there was better language for this type of energy, since it is admirable for all people, no matter what their gender, to be nurturing, to feel their feelings and be allowed to express them, and to follow their intuition. What is intuition? It is the Holy Spirit whispering in your ear. I am sure that God’s will would be followed if all of us listened to her more often, no what our gender.

Back to celebrating today. So today, let’s celebrate the energy of the “feminine”. We shall do this through a guided meditation.

Close your eyes, or cast them down, so that there is no distraction for your vision. Open your ears to my voice, so that your intention is to hear only the word of God, spoken through me. Clear your mind, by focusing on your breathing. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, focus on emptiness. Another breath in, focus on the sound of your breath exhaling, and nothing else. A final third breath in, and as you exhale, open your heart so that you can hear the Holy Spirit whispering.

While you are in this state of quiet, let’s bring in the Love of God. Concentrate on your heart center. This is the space in the middle of your body, near your physical heart. Imagine a green flame burning there, a small green light. As you visualize this, imagine the light around the flame – the darkness inside your body has receded, and is replaced by a loving presence and a green glow. This is the Love of God, glowing in your heart.

Feel its warmth. Feel its light. Know that God is here, inside you, where God has always been. Feel the light and the glow extend across your chest, into your shoulders, down your arms, and all the way to your fingertips. Let’s take a few deep breaths now, feeling the love of God down our arms and into our hands. We are the hands of God.

While we are focusing on the energy of God that has permeated our hands, think of the nurturing activities that you have done this morning. Perhaps you nurtured your own body by making breakfast. Perhaps you helped children get dressed. Perhaps you brought a friend to church. Perhaps you helped prepare the sanctuary. You are the hands of God. One more deep breath and feeling God through your arms and hands.

Now, take a deep breath and concentrate again on the green glow in your heart. As you breath, feel that glow grow and spread, this time into your hips, down your legs, and into your feet, finally reaching the tips of your toes. Feel the energy of that glow, the warmth, the tingling.

Concentrate on the energy in your feet, as these are the feet of God. Feel it? Think now of how you used your feet to be the feet of God this morning. You may have showered and washed and dried your feet, taking care of this part of the temple. You may have walked with someone, older or younger, to help them get here this morning. You may have used your feet to “walk the walk” – in other words, to match your will with God’s Will, and to do the work that you say should be done. You may be walking your spiritual journey, to get closer and closer to God.

Take another deep breath and visualize that green glow of God’s feminine energy through your legs and into your feet.

Now, another deep breath, into the heart, and this time, imagine it spreading up into your head and focus on your mind and your mouth. God’s glow of nurturing love can be felt here in your head. When God’s thoughts are your thoughts, and you are one, then the words you speak are God’s words. And that feminine nurturing energy is spoken through you. You then have the power to heal others through your words, to improve lives, and to be as God is.

Take a deep breath and think about how you were God’s mouth today. Who did you speak lovingly to, and perhaps wished them a Happy Mother’s Day? Who did you joke with, knowing that humor has the power to brighten someone’s day? How have you spoken today, from the heart, from the place of the Holy Spirit, Christ and the Mother-Creator? You are God’s mouthpiece.

Take a deep breath, and scan your body. Notice that God is everywhere in your body, and that God never leaves. You might leave, and go off and forget that God is still there, but God never leaves. One last deep breath, and wiggle your hands, wiggle your toes, wiggle your torso and neck. When you are ready, gently open your eyes.

With your eyes open, look at your hands. No, really look at them. Notice the hairs, the wrinkles, the colors. Notice your palms and your fingerprints. These are quite familiar, but you don’t really look at your hands, unless it is your job. These are God’s hands. And today, while we celebrate all women, and while we celebrate all feminine energy, we also celebrate YOUR hands. We celebrate your feet, your mind and your words. You are the nurturing body of God, and in this way, you share in the feminine energy of the world.

In today’s scripture, Jesus said that someone is always with you. And so, with gratitude, I say thank you, for all that you do and all that you say, because God lives in you and through you always.


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