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  • Writer's pictureKathy Johnson

Uplifting Poetry


Dear one,

Please send me something that will lift up my soul, on this darkest of dark days.

It is the day before Easter, the dark day has come, and it feels as though there is no hope.

But I know you, dear Mother and Father,

When we, your children, have fallen and scraped our collective knee,

And you were there to kiss us and tell us that it be ok.

At first, I didn’t want to believe you

But every time, over time,

I found that of course you were right.

But, right now, I feel like screaming!

Like being a child having a tantrum!

Stop, you say calmly.


With such as soft voice it sounds like a spring breeze over a field just beginning to turn green.



I breathe.


Because it feels good and because I have been practicing breathing all my life for this one moment.

Okay, dear one, can I please have something that will bring me joy?

My, aren’t you demanding! You say.

I brought you the uplifting moment that brought you to peace.

Now is the time to feel into the peace.

Feel into your heart.

Your soul.

Feel that love. The deep love like the depth of a clear cool calm pond.

The depth from the grounding of your feet on the earth,

And your precious calm energy pervading to the core.

From the core of your soul to the core of the earth, and beyond…



A friend wrote that the it is up to me to bring the feeling of joy into this peaceful moment,

That I am allowed to rename that moment as Joy.

So, dear Joy,

My beautiful moment,

I name you Joy Johnson,

And I will love you, my child, for the rest of my life!

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