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  • Writer's pictureKathy Johnson

What is a Miracle?

What is a miracle? In today’s language, it basically means an event that could not possibly have happened, given the statistics surrounding it. It generally brings amazement and sometimes disbelief to those who witness it. Or, they decide it could have happened to anyone, diminishing the effect.


A few miracles that I have witnessed in my life are as follows:

·        My friend has spontaneous remission from pancreatic cancer. The doctors could not explain it and called it a miracle. My friend had a deep knowing that it would not kill her, despite the prognosis of 3 months before it would.

·        My husband got 3 fowl balls in 3 different professional stadiums, 3 games in a row.

·        After I had lost 3 rings – my engagement ring, my wedding ring and a ring guard – two events happened that resulted in my getting all 3 back. First, a friend prayed to St. Anthony, resulting in my getting my engagement ring back, so that I knew where to look. When looking in that area, I heard a voice say, “Ask your daughter where you parked the car”. I did, I looked there, and found them, almost covered in silt.

If you talk to a group of people, you will hear of other miracles, especially when looking for lost items. Are these miracles? Well, they certain aren’t everyday run of the mill events. They were unexpected, rare, and astounding.


So, today I received a request from on old friend asking me to pray for a miracle for her. And I’m stuck, not sure what to pray for. See, I’ve been studying the nature of the world, what makes it tick, and how to improve your circumstances. In other words, I have been studying miracles.


In The Christ Letters, it says that if a person continues to believe that they are nothing more than a body, then they are doomed to repeat the circumstances at some point after the miracle was completed. It might be in this lifetime, or in the next. Certainly, there would be changes from the miracle, in that the receiver might then believe that God or some other deity exists, who deemed them worthy enough to receive said miracle. This could result in changes in behavior, however, if the underlying belief of this life in the body being the only one that exists, and not going deeper into the nature of reality - into truly healing past hurts - then the past hurts can create the same condition or a similar one.


The true miracle is the knowledge that our consciousness is what creates our reality.


This may be a bit difficult to accept or understand without concrete examples that you have experienced often. For example, you may be sitting in a room when a person who is very joyful walks in and spreads that joy. The entire room feels lighter and happier. And the opposite can happen, when a gloomy person walks in and brings everyone down. We can be that joyful person and change the world with our consciousness! Our attitude affects everyone and everything. Maybe not a lot, but some. It is every person’s responsibility to bring light and love to as many places as possible, as often as possible. This is the miracle – that by looking for the good rather than the bad, by smiling rather than frowning, and by laughing at your own mistakes rather than shaming yourself, you actually change the WORLD for the better! Yes, what a miracle!


So, what do I pray for? This old friend has physical problems. If I pray that the issues go away, they might. However, I know that she does not understand the nature of existence, and if she does not “change her mind”, the issues may come back. She has had many procedures, but instead of improving her life, she just gets new physical problems.


Buddha is attributed to the quote: “What you think you become, what you feel you attract, what you imagine you create.” I know for a fact that what my old friend wants is relief from the pain. I also know that she thinks about her body all the time, how it is getting worse, how bad her childhood was, and how she has been mistreated. She did have a horrific childhood, compared to most people. Assuming Buddha’s thinking works in this world, it appears she may be attracting bad juju.


So after writing all this out, I will pray for her. I will pray that she changes her mind, and that she reminds herself hourly of the blessings in her life. I am praying for a miracle.



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